What I Stand for (Conservative or Labour?)

I don’t stand for any big party. In fact, I don’t stand for a party at all.

I’m very much campaigning for the little things that we actually have forgotten about, and the things that don’t meet the headlines.

Take for example, population growth. Everybody knows that our world population size ig growing at an unsustainable rate. This is leading to famine in poor countries and is alspo leading to unsustainable house price increases, here in the U.K. People might think that houses is the one big thing that can have a dead certain investment growth in. But, when we view this in context, this is onlyu going up because the law of supply-and-demand is tipping the balanace firmly in the favour of demand. This is because there’s more people in the world, more land needs to be cobverted from farmaland to house such an ever-increasing population, the government are firmly keeping a lid on how many new houses should be built and therefore, in essence, the prices of houses are spiralling outr of control, thus leading to house builders raking in ever larger sums of momney and you’ll probably find that one of the largest home builders in the country is on the Forbes top 10 rich list in the UK.

Our pension system is built upon a model where there are much more people paying into a pension than taking money out: that’s how pension providers fund our investments, but is this unsustainable? The world, even the U.K, is a finite size, and with more land being taken over from farmland to homes, our biodiversity of life on this Earth is being destroyed, because where there are humans, no other animals can live, except the few animals that have thrived because of human’s influence on the land. One of the few species that seems to have benifted from our existance is the House Sparrow. However, when you look at the rest of the bird poulation, in the last 25 years, there has been a dramatic decrease in the numbers of birds seen in the U,K, so much so that 26 of the species of birds have been given Critically Endangered staus, since the last survey was done, almost 25 years ago.

Our natural habitat is having a devestating impact by our human infuence. Who would like to see the Blue Whale go extinct? Who would like to see the red fox or any other species of mammal or reptile, disappear into inexistence?

Now is time to make our move. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said that a global increase of more than 3 degrees will send us into an unsustainable positive feedback cycle where the human population cannot exist beyond another 200 years. Our environment we live in is unsustainable, right now. But we don’t see these effects everyday, so we just try to keep on living our daily lives, while the world keeps on changing, slowly, towards the doomseday.

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